
Call for Abstracts will open the week of August 5, 2019
The call for abstracts is now closed. We hope you will consider attending this year's conference and also submitting an abstract to the 2020 conference in Puerto Rico.
The Region II Head Start Association is seeking proposals for sessions for our 2019 Annual Professional Development Conference which will be held at the Bally’s Atlantic City in Atlantic City, New Jersey from October 23-25 2019.
The conference focus is The Superheroes in Head Start: Full Stream Ahead in Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art and Math and will feature institutes, workshops, seminars and forums covering a wide range of topics related to Head Start / Early Head Start and Child Care.
The audience will include: head start parents, staff members, administrators (regional, state and territories), policy makers, fiscal officers, community partners, etc. We anticipate that this conference will attract over 250 participants from New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and more!
We do not offer compensation to our presenters. However, if selected, conference registration will be waived for the presenter on the day of their presentation.
Presenters are responsible for making their own arrangements for audio-visual equipment and hand-outs. Hotel reservation information can be found on the Hotel Information Page.
Questions-Contact Reva Gershen Lowy